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for Power Utilities in Africa

January, 2018 News

VRA Board Inspects KGS Retrofit Project

The newly inaugurated Board of Directors of the Volta River Authority (VRA), led by its Chairman, Mr. Kweku Awotwi, have paid a one day working visit to the Kpong Generating Station (KGS) at Akuse to inspect work on the on-going Retrofit Project.

The Board members were received and welcomed by Ing. Charles desBordes, Director, Hydro Generation, Ing. Eugene Asomontsi Adah, Director, Engineering Services and Ms. Bellona-Gerard Vittor-Quao, Senior Communications Officer (External Communications). Conducting the Board Members on a tour of the Plant, Ing. Kweku Sarpong, the then Ag. Plant Manager said, "Retrofitting is part of the maintenance plans for the Plant, which has been utilized for about 35 years now". He added that best practice holds the position that after every 30 years, the Plant would have to be retrofitted since it would almost be ending its service lifespan. According to him, this was to ensure continuous reliable operations of the Plant.

Ing Sarpong who is the substantive Manager for Protection and Control (P&C) in an update on the retrofit project, said, work on Unit 2 of the four generators was completed and commissioned for operations in August 2016. Currently, "We are working on Unit 1, expected to be completed and commissioned by the first quarter of 2018". He informed the Board that the project had been delayed owing to operational challenges, but expressed hope it would be completed in two years’ time.

He explained that the scope of works involved in the retrofit project includes changing of the analogue control panel used for monitoring the water level, temperatures and other activities into a digital automated system. The purpose of the retrofit he said “Is to modernize and automate the station with state-of-the-art controlling and monitoring devices of the generators and other auxiliary equipment which would be achieved via a computerized aided work station after completion.” “When completed the retrofit will not only optimize generation capacity and boost power supply, but would also ensure reliability and efficiency for the next 30 to 35 years”, he added. The Board members expressed satisfaction with work done so far and were hopeful the project engineers will be able to meet the proposed completion date.

Ing. Kweku Sarpong briefing the Board Members at the KGS Control Room

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