Ing. Ken Arthur Honoured at the 2024 May Day Celebration

The Deputy Chief Executive (Services) of the Volta River Authority (VRA), Ing. Kenneth Mensah Arthur, was one of the few distinguished personalities who was awarded at this year’s National May Day celebration.

The award by the Public Service Workers' Union of TUC (Ghana) was in recognition of Ing. Arthur’s invaluable contributions to the trade union movement in Ghana and dedication to promoting workers' rights as an Executive of the Authority.

Staff of the Authority (made up of local PSWU Union members and the Senior Staff Group) were also present at the celebration which was held at the Ghana Independence Square in Accra under the theme: "Election 2024: The Role of Workers and Social Partners in Securing Peaceful Elections for National Development".

In his address, the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, emphasized the importance of peace and stability, particularly in the lead-up to the 2024 elections and lauded the indispensable role played by workers and social partners in safeguarding peace.

The President reiterated his administration's unwavering commitment to democratic principles and urged all stakeholders to prioritize unity and tranquillity above partisan interests.

He pledged Government’s commitment to addressing the economic challenges such as inflation and currency depreciation, which have adversely affected living standards. The President also affirmed his administration's support for workers' rights and pledged to revise pertinent labour laws to reinforce protections for workers.

Dr. Yaw Baah, the Secretary General of the Trades Union Congress, dwelling on the challenges facing the Ghanaian worker, advocated collective action to address prevailing socio-economic adversities, adding that Government must put in measures to improve living standards, including equitable wage increments and bolstering pension benefits.
