About Us

About Us

The VRA Schools are registered with Ghana Education Service (GES) as private schools, consisting of two main departments, i.e. Senior High and Basic Schools with the following units:
- 3 Kindergartens (i.e. Akosombo: 1, Akuse: 1, & Aboadze: 1),
- 3 Primary Schools (i.e. Akosombo: 1, Akuse: 1, & Aboadze: 1),
- 3 Junior High Schools (Akosombo: 1, Akuse: 1, Aboadze: 1),
- A 5-stream Senior High School located at the main campus in Akosombo.

Our Crest & Motto

All the schools use the same crest and motto. The Schools’ crest depicts in picturesque form the ideals of truth, knowledge and power. It crystalises the Schools’ aims and objectives.

The Schools' motto: TRUTH IS OUR LIGHT (VERITAS NOBIS LUX) aptly sums up the aims and objectives of VRA International Schools.


  • The shield in the Schools’ Crest is a symbol of security and protection
  • The unfurled banner beneath the Crest symbolizes unfailing success
  • The black star in the Crest symbolizes the star of Africa’s freedom; i.e. It depicts the leadership position of our Motherland, Ghana, in the struggle for Africa’s freedom
  • The great Volta River, the source of our power and wealth is depicted by three blue wavy lines
  • Our mother-organisation, the Volta River Authority, is represented in the Crest by two ashes of electricity, that is, the symbol of power and energy which brings light and health to Ghana’s industries and economy
  • The open book with the lighted torch depicts the Holy Truth which is
    opened to all who seek the truth
  • The torch of knowledge and power that should be held aloft by all who enter the portals of VRA Schools is represented in brilliant colours of green, yellow and red, superimposed on a background of blue