A Model of Excellence
for Power Utilities in Africa

December, 2014 News

Press Release: Closure of Kpong Dam Access Road

The Management of the Volta River Authority (VRA) wishes to bring to the attention of the general public that the access road on the Kpong Dam would be closed to both vehicular and motorbike traffic on Monday, December 15, to Thursday, December 17, 2014, from 7am to 6pm daily.

The closure is to enable the contractor working on the retrofit project, Andritz Hydro, remove the Intake Service Gates on one of the generating units for refurbishment.

We wish to indicate however that there would be a guided pedestrian crossing during the period of closure.

Also, arrangements have been made for situations like the critically ill who would be crossing to access health care.

The VRA apologizes to all stakeholders for the inconvenience this situation might cause.

Issued by: Samuel Fletcher
Head, Corporate Communications

Date/Place:  December 12, 2014 / Accra



In other news (December, 2014)

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