A Model of Excellence
for Power Utilities in Africa

December, 2014 News


Methodist Hymn 896
1. Now praise we great and famous men,
The fathers named in story;
And praise the Lord who now as then,
Reveals in man His glory

2. Praise we the wise and brave and strong,
Who graced their generation;
Who helped the right and fought the wrong,
And made our folk a nation

Tribute by the Volta River Authority to Ing. Dr. Louis A. Casely-Hayford - Chief Executive, VRA (1980 - 1990)

We salute a great, famous, wise, brave and strong man, Mr. Louis Casely-Hayford.

Capturing in words the life and essence of a person, taking into account the vital truths and rare ideals which distinguishes such an individual is not an easy task. How much harder to do so for an outstanding colleague and most senior officer, who, for over two decades, made significant contributions towards nurturing the Volta River Authority into becoming a world class organization poised at setting the standard for public sector excellence in Africa.  

The working life of Mr. Louis Casely-Hayford in the VRA was undoubtedly one characterized by astute leadership, unrivalled success and exceptional dedication to service.

Mr. Louis Casely-Hayford (or Louis as he was often called in the VRA) joined the Volta River Authority (VRA) on October 25, 1962 as a Mechanical Engineer, a role which later metamorphosed into Project Engineer. He rose, by dint of hard work and devotion to duty, through the ranks to the very high position of Chief Executive, after having served as Mechanical Maintenance Engineer in 1964, Supervising Mechanical Maintenance Engineer in 1969, and Assistant Director of Power Operations in 1971.

Louis became Director of Engineering in 1975, Deputy Chief Executive (in charge of Engineering) in 1977, and finally Chief Executive on June 22, 1980.

Mr. Casely-Hayford, was an accomplished engineer and executive.  He was involved in the:

  • Construction and commissioning of the Akosombo Hydro-Electric Power Station in the early 1960s;
  • The expansion of the Akosombo Hydro-Electric Power Station in the early 1970s;
  • Review of the draft feasibility study report on the Bui Hydro Electric Project in 1976
  • The development of the Kpong Hydro-electric power station from the late 1970s through to the early 1980s
  • The shield wire scheme that enabled electrical power to be supplied from the High–Voltage Transmission lines to nearby communities without going through the traditional sub-stations;

He played a dominant role in the inter-connection of the electrical systems of Ghana-Togo-Benin, and Ghana - La Cote d’Ivoire.

Further, Mr. Casely-Hayford was the brain behind the extension of Power to the Northern sector of the country, a scheme which for many years, had been thought to be impossible.

Louis transformed the Akosombo Township.  He presided over the expansion of the township and the relocation and resettlement of ‘Akosombo Combine’.

Louis brought management and systems transformation into the VRA.  As an example, he modernized the Materials Management and ICT systems of the VRA.  Indeed organizations/people travelled both from within and without Ghana to tour such installations.

Louis focused on man-power and leadership development. He created the VRA Training School that trained engineers, technicians and other disciplines needed to support the power sector.   He promoted an industrial attachment programme between the VRA and the Ontario Hydro Electric Commission of Canada where some staff were sent for technical, professional, administrative and leadership exposures; additionally he sponsored staff to Harvard University for Masters Programmes in leadership and management.  Louis nurtured staff to succeed his Management Team. He was indeed a symbol of innovation and ingenuity.   

We note with pride that even though Louis was the third Chief Executive of the Authority after Mr. Frank Dobson and Dr E.L. Quartey, he was the first of the pioneers to have risen through the ranks to the very top.
Louis loved soccer, and was the Chairman of the Akosombo Hydro United Football Club.
He retired after 28 years of distinguished and eventful service in the Authority and to Ghana.

In all fairness, Louis lived his life with a noble simplicity commanding the admiration of all who knew him.
As an organization, we grieve for the loss of our beloved colleague because it is a most personal loss, one which is irreparable, and which will tell on the Authority for many years to come. We will miss him profoundly. 

May God bless the memory of Mr. Louis Casely-Hayford.  May God bless Ghana and the VRA.

- Ing. Kirk I. Koffi - Chief Executive, VRA


In other news (December, 2014)


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